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12 August 2008

I know I haven't given most of you a chance to air your thoughts about moving and all - one of you said that you didn't want to change your bookmark XD - but I'm sorry~!

I've put the website ONLINE meaning you can search for it! Let's see who can find it! ^_^

E: It's still named Pointless but Original. Huh. Talk about uncreativity.

EE: I've already given out the link. Talk about temptation. I was so eager for people to find it. *shot* Don't click on the link if you want to find it yourselves, although I think Google hasn't indexed it yet.


Forum Flooders,
7:34 PM


~ Start polling! ~

I've decided to close the poll of 'Do you play any musical instruments?', although a new poll will not be showing up in the sidebar. For now, I need you guys to vote on these (will you vote if I say it's urgent? XD). The polls might sound confusing, but answer them as best as you can! Onegai~?

Weird, no? If you choose 'other' please specify! (I really need honest feedback from you guys.)

Next...(I'm having so much fun playing with the poll layouts, by the way. The templates. XDD)

There! I'm asking this before I decide to make MAJOR changes, so please, everyone who's a part of the forum, VOTE!

Results for the musical instruments vote:

3 of us play the piano, 3 of us once played something but dropped it.

2 of us play other instruments, and no, voices do not count. XDD WHO WROTE THAT?? (But for some reason when I read it, I kept thinking of Melo...I'm so going to get shot for this. LOL.)

Only 1 play the clarinet, trumpet, and violin respectively.


Forum Flooders,
11:14 AM


~ Explanations ~

Wanted to keep the poll post up there, so I edited this one to appear below it. Someone has already voted on the polls, and asked me what change I was thinking of.

I confess that this blog is getting further and further away from forum/er dedication. I guess the original reason why I made it in the first place was because we usually have pictures or drawings we want to present on certain forumer birthdays, and because FF.net is ghey and doesn't allow piccies, I thought why not make a blog where we could post the pictures for everyone to enjoy?

But of course, if all we're going to blog about is pictures, updates would be few and far in between.

So I expanded my ideas and did stuff not directly related to the forum - the anime/manga/drama review being the most recent one of them. I also did the polls and Rain came up with an idea of the music playlist. Of course, I've tried my hardest to make sure they're related back to the forum in some tiny way.

Then, I got more lousy ideas, but at the same time, I realized that it wasn't workable in a blog, because all we can do in a blog is, well, post. It doesn't have links to different pages and everything where we can keep everything separate - a profile of forumers (and a special one for Dudly because she created the cracktastic forum XD), the music playlist, the anime/manga/drama reviews, etc.


I'm thinking to moving this blog to a website.

We'll still have a blog (the services I'm looking at right now include a blog) but we might just lose everything else we've posted, unless I bother to manually transfer 50 posts to the new blog. The music playlist might have to be moved. Everything else goes on the new website. I'm still not sure if I can get the website idea to work, but so far, it's a definite and major change.

Also, the website's new template isn't unique and something to scream over.

But it's so much better if we want to have separate pages for Anime Reviews, blog, Who ARE we anyway?, links, Snapshots, and Mishmash (as I've named them currently XD). And yes, I'm already in the process of making it, even without consulting you guys, so I'm horrible. ;_; But I haven't put it up on the web yet...not really, anyway. XD

Right now, what I'm thinking about is - the website/blog (if you want to keep it strictly a blog) will be more a place where forumers can go and have fun with the crappy ideas I have XD instead of dedicating itself to the forum. Still, forumers have the first priority - birthdays and celebrations will be, well, celebrated with much fanfare and old me will still attempt to keep up on the current 'gossip' in the forum, and we'll try to blend as much of the forumers in as usual. After all, even if we lose the forum (by a fluke that FF.net erases all forums for some explicable reason) we'll still BE the forumers and we'll still be, well, connected? Friends?



(O_o it's raining funnily. Funny.)

So yeah, that's my musing right now - website, instead of blog, and who's up for it?

I would also like to request someone who can draw and manipulate - oops. That's going to be in the website, if I ever get the chance to release it. *wicked grin*

For now, even if I DO release the website, keep in mind it's going to take a lot of tweaking (from all of us? XD) to get it happy. I know I won't be able to please everyone - someone might want black backgrounds while another....well...maybe she wants to stick JE boys all over it? XDD But, well. You get the idea.

That brings me to another difference I dislike about websites and blogs. Blogs can have different authors. Websites can't, not the one I'm using to design the site anyway. :( So that's really annoying, because then I can't ask anyone to maintain the webby if I'm away/sick/lazy. Unless I give out the account name and password. What do you guys think?

Am I insane? *shot*


Forum Flooders,
11:00 AM


11 August 2008
~ JDoramas x2 ~

So I guess I shall be doing the honors of the first jdorama mini review! XDDD I'll do two, just for the heck of it. So here we go.

Nobuta wo Produce (DramaWiki)

Episodes watched:
Rating: A
Mini review:
Cute. It's not very angsty, but this drama is very touching. Full of funny, adorable, cute, and lovely moments that'll make you go "Awww!" every time. The antagonist of the story leaves you frustrated, and you constantly question who it is, but when you finally figure out who, you'll be in for a surprise!

Maki-chan is cute as always, and Kame does a wonderful job at acting in this series, but Yamapi is the one who is kicking everyone's arses. Playing Kusano Akira, it is hard to be weird, crazy, insane, annoying, but adorably cute at the same time-- only Yamapi can pull off something like this! A must watch for the ones who wants something focused on friendship, lighthearted, and it definitely leaves you with a warm feeling afterwards! Nobuta power, chuunyu~!


Episodes watched: 4/10 (Is there only 10, Rain-chan?)

Rating: A

Mini review: I liked it. A lot. Maybe because it was influenced by Kazuya Kamenashi, but...XDD Well. If I'd finished the whole series, I might've given it an A+. Otherwise, seeing that I've watched less than half the series, it's going for an A for now. ~rage-chan
Gokusen 2 (DramaWiki)

Episodes watched: 10/10 (cannot find subbed version of special episode)
Rating: B+
Mini review:
Due to my love for Akame, I watched this season before I even watched the first (or season three, but that was released way later after I finished both seasons). Nakama Yukie does a great job of acting as Yankumi, pulling off the quirky and cheerful teacher quite well. However, my focus was more so on Kame and Jin, as the Akame fangirl in me cannot let this go. It is the only drama the two has ever starred together in-- worth tons. XD The drama has a lot of comic relief moments, and I loved the humor involved. It is very touching, despite the repetitiveness and over exaggerated often involved. The friendship between class 3-D is wonderful~ XD Kame acting as Ryu, the character is lovely, and despite his character being quite messily developed, he does a good job, looking absolutely dashing on screen. Jin as Hayato is like his Bakanishi self, I'm happy to say. You just want to bundle him up and huggle him. XD

I would have given this series an A had it not been the repetitiveness of the plot. The students get in trouble, are being beaten up, and Yankumi comes to the rescue. I really had hoped for some new things... But nonetheless, it is still a lovely drama to watch! HayaRyu <3.>

If you haven't watched any of these dramas yet, you should give them a try! Anyway, I should go now! Please enjoy watching these dramas!

(Rage, am I doing this right? Because I'm getting the feeling that I did it wrong. ._.)

Rage's reply: No, no, you did it all right. I just thought we'd pick an anime (sticking to anime first XDD) and everyone would comment on that one anime, because otherwise we'd have people making their opinion known on several dozen anime/manga/drama and there wouldn't be a discussion at all. But still. I GOT TO COMMENT ON NOBUTA WO PRODUCE. THE DRAMA CLIP WAS HILARIOUS. NOBUTA POWER~~~


Forum Flooders,
11:32 AM


10 August 2008
~ Ouran High School Host Club...and updates. ~


Some quick updates!

As I've been trying to do, here are the mini anime reviews - if you're even remotely interested (and have authorship of the blog) please do consider taking part!


In relation to the anime/etc review, does anyone have a catchy name we could call this...'program'? Like, this project could be named, simply, 'Mini Anime Review' or do you guys have something prettier and funner?


I remembered this from Rain's posts in the forum. Is anyone interested in making a unique banner/slogan/sig for the forum? ^_^ I know Rain might be working on some, but it would be really interesting to see if anyone else takes up the challenge. However, banners/slogans/sigs related to BUTT-SEX or SEXY JE BOYS are not...exactly...appropriate. XDD *shot*



All right. Updates over! Here's my mini anime review for the selected anime of the...week..(do try to stick to the format suggested?):

Ouran High School Host Club.

Episodes watched:


Mini review:
I really enjoyed watching this series, although I have to admit that sometimes I wanted to throttle Tamaki for his antics. XD The twin-cest in the anime (although apparently it was put on for the benefit for the host club's girls) made me slightly uncomfortable. XDD Especially if my mum is looking over my shoulder lewl.

Still, with pretty art and a dense heroine, Ouran is an anime I would recommend if you're into...crack. :)

See? Small, mini review! You are free to rant and/or give a loong review if you wish, but more importantly I guess you have to let other forumers know what you feel about the anime.

In the future, I'll work to include manga/manhwa and dramas. How's that? ^_^

Anyone taking part? *hopeful*


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Forum Flooders,
7:24 PM


06 August 2008
~ Birthdays and updates! ~

Sorry to all those people whose birthdays were in July and weren't mentioned by the blog! My humblest apologies! *bows*

July birthdays include:

  • Minty-chan (31st July)
  • Shiawase Iro (11th July)
  • Momoyoubi (11th July)
  • Collapse-chan (20th July)
  • ShimeiValentine (18th July)
  • Tally-chan (22th July)
Happy belated birthdays to all these forumers! Information obtained thanks to the Reminders' Thread. XD

Now, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kaishekk, who celebrates her birthday on the 6th of August! Thanks to Australia being in the eastern side of DEH WORLD, it's now 6th where I am! Please celebrate when it's 6th your time, people! ^_^ This is so fun, we have people from all over the world...

I would also like to remind you that the original intent of me creating the blog was so that pictures you have drawn/coloured/done for birthday people can be posted here instead of ugly un-workable links in Ff.net forums. ^^ If you have a picture or some other drawing dedication for a forumer and would like everyone to have a look as well, why not post it here? ^_~

Now for lots of mini updates rolled into big ones.


As ezyl-chan pointed out, a new flooding thread has been opened! Visit!


I am toying with the idea of opening mini reviews in this blog: from the previous polls before in older posts, I will randomly select anime listed from the blog and/or new anime I've dredged up from the internet resources. You are NOT required to watch this anime. If you have watched it before, though, I would appreciate it if you dropped a line or two regarding the anime and why you would not/recommend it to others. I shall post more on this later, but mainly I want this to be used in a way that we find out the central favourite anime/manga of the forumers and what they would recommend you to watch etc. Of course, you could just ask them in the forums, but. Well.

*confusing self*

Anywayz, I would like your emails so I can send you Blogger invites. Please? *puppy eyes* And I'll dredge up your email from my inbox soon, Slacky. XDD

(I'll try to clarify this more later in a sole post.)


The poll is now changed. 50% of us go for shounen manga and 50% of us go for shojo manga. Pretty well balanced, eh?


I am also toying with the random idea that is connected with the newest poll. A lot of us on the forum play a musical instrument of some sort or other. Sparked by awin's lovely Rolling Stars recital, I'm wondering how many of us here (who play instruments) are willing to record and post their instrument recital.....just so we can appreciate your genius? XDD *shot*


This is completely random and was sparked like two hours ago. COSPLAYING. How many of you cosplay? Do you take pictures?

Thank you for taking the time to read!

rage-chan signs off~

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Forum Flooders,
12:43 PM



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