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26 June 2008
~ Removed...and happy birthday! ~

A minor update: the post I have stickied has been removed. Thank you!

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ayumi-chan and Thrill-chan who celebrates their birthday on the 26th and 27th of June respectively, if the information they have given us is any accurate...XD

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Forum Flooders,
7:33 PM


~ New Random Weekly Poll! ~

If you scroll down a bit more and check out the sidebar, there is now a new addition - the Weekly Random Poll. (I keep typing Pool. Augh.)

Anyway, I'll try to change the poll weekly (or randomly) depending on what mood I'm in, and do vote? Even if the questions seem weird? I thought putting up a harmless question first would be better, hence the 'ice-cream' flavour one. ^^

So, guys, check back every now and then! I might even put the results up...although for what reason I have no idea as of yet. *shot*


Forum Flooders,
7:28 PM


23 June 2008
~ What age do you act? ~

For those who have not taken this quiz yet, do try it! What age do you really act? ^_^

awin 'acts' like she's 18 years old, Jazzy-chan got (*A*) 19 years old, Melo acts 17 years old and I'm (*despondent*) a lowly 13-year-old. Accurate or not, try it and let us know the results! ^_^

(And looking at the results above, everyone seems to 'act' older than their years except - take a clever guess - ME. XDD *shot*)


Forum Flooders,
4:00 PM


21 June 2008
~ New Flooding Thread~ ~

We are now officially done with Sniff Here, our 6th flooding thread. MAFIA (Majorly Armed Flooders In Action) is our new, 7th flooding thread! How long will it last? Anyone care to venture a guess?

For the record, Sniff Here lasted from June 4th to June 18th, forum time. If anyone thinks differently, please leave a comment (comment in Haloscan, not the tagbox so it's more permanent) and let me know so I can change it, okay?

That's roughly...what? A little over two weeks? We're getting more efficient, people. Keep up the good work!

(My suggestion for the new thread to be named Snapshot was rejected. ;_;)

=) But nevertheless, pop over and have some FUN~!


Forum Flooders,
10:02 AM


19 June 2008
~ Sal-chan goes China~ ~

Sal-chan leaves for China on Friday morning. She's really excited to be going, so let's hope she gets home safely~!

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Forum Flooders,
4:35 PM


17 June 2008
~ Birthday Celebrations! ~


Happy (belated) birthdays to both Atohep and Daisy who celebrated their birthdays on the 13th and 16th of June respectively~! Sorry for not getting this up earlier, but I'm sort of busy now that college has started...

Remember, you only turn 26 and 15 once! ^^


Forum Flooders,
7:20 PM


16 June 2008
~ Charges against...a pie. ~

I wasn't there at the time of this highly amusing conversation (to me), unfortunately, although rereading the posts made me laugh, so I decided to post it here on the forum, despite its lateness. (Guys, have you noticed what page we're on now? Roughly 70-ish? We've gone through 70 pages in...how many days? XD)

Okay. Main conversationalists: Rain, Slacky, Daisy, with the latter providing the most humour relief. XD *shot* awin and Jazzy-chan was there too...(but I can't mention everyone by name so don't feel bad if you're left out~)

So Daisy kicked it off with one of her usual, random remarks...

I got pie~ 8D But I was carrying that and some sort of broccoli cake and some tarts from my mom's car, and nearly tripped over the sidewalk ledge, and the pie smashed against my boob. D: Luckily, I didn't get any pie on my boob, and the pie is just deformed. XD

As appropriate when faced with her hilarious randomity, Rain threw out an emoticon and...




I laughed too hard at hard. Way too hard. Poor pie.



So the scenario now proceeds to Daisy's left boob filing charges against the deformed pie...

Wow, raping a pie is really something... new.

And that was a by-the-way comment from Jazzy-chan...(I feel like I'm replaying a scene of sorts..)

... But you so obviously attacked the pie. XP

Slacky goes all lawyer-like and made a statement...

I didn't attack it; it attacked my left boob.

And Daisy makes it sound like a pie attacking someone's left boob is something quite normal...

Why would the pie attack you? There's no motive. However you attacked it for being so delicious, didn't you?

Slacky dissects the logic behind that statement and finds some flaws...

No, it was the sidewalk or whatever you tripped on that made the pie kiss your left boob. XD

Rain offers an alternative scenario...

It probably attacked me for staring at it.


And Daisy ends it with an exclamation of outrage. More or less. XD

It was just retaliating because it felt violated from you touching it. XP

Slacky might become a lawyer one day, I don't know...XD


I go off to eat pasta...and come back...and you're talking about boobs and pies...

...I'm not too surprised for some reason...

And that was Shin-chan. A very true sentence indeed! XD

So ends the funny pie-attacking-boob story by Daisy, Rain and Slacky. I wish I hadn't missed this convo!!)

Note: And a small footnote to congrat Daisy for being half-converted to Je-fangirlism! I bet Rain, Minty and Slacky are all spazzing. Somewhat. Over...JE boys. ^_^

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Forum Flooders,
6:10 PM


15 June 2008
~ Hurrahz! ~

Many cheers and celebrations because awin and Dudly met up over the weekend! If I'm right (and I might not be) is this the first time someone has met via the forum? I mean, not if you're friends before offline as well...

Ah, geez, I wish I could do that too! ^_^ Anyway, awin, Dudly, hope you guys had a swell time!

Read more about it in awin's blog~

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Forum Flooders,
4:07 PM


~ Newcomers, Sal-chan, and the latest news ~

(I'm typing this post all over again. Argh.)

First of all, welcome to Hazelle-chan (animeaddict787) who joined the forum recently. She's 12. Younger and younger people seem to be streaming in all the time...at this rate, I can be the forum's grandmother...*wince* Although I'm 17, it's not like I'm one of the most mature of the lot...(for some reason, I can hear awin laughing. Loudly.)


Is it just me or are the newcomers getting younger and younger? ._. With a few odd ones out, we're getting a lot of eleven and twelve years olds. XD


.. They really are getting younger. I remember when we had a sudden influx of 17 and older...
Now I'm starting to feel like an old senpai, even though I'm one of the mid-ages. O_O

That's pretty true. I feel ancient now...XD And awin made up the cutest nickname for the newcomer: Animekko! That sounds cuute~!

And Sal-chan was insisting I blog about her. See her enthusiasm?


See? She's such a bubbly little girl. >.< She's adorable, innocently naive, and huggable. XD (Sal-chan, if your parents read this they'll hunt me down!) So far, she's still holding the title of the youngest forumer...until eight-year-olds start manipulating the Internet and take over the forums. ^^ I'll be obsolete by then! XD

(I hope the format doesn't go out of whack this time. I don't understand what happened.)

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Forum Flooders,
10:51 AM


13 June 2008
~ Blogs and newcomers ~

Also, welcome to Bane-kun (BaneKicksDavid) who came to the forum recently. awin wasted no time in making some funny suffixes - Bane-dane. I think it sounds cool~ XD Ba-ne-da-ne. XD!

(Psst, Bane-dane, don't mention that you like Twilight in front of certain forum members [ie awin and Kyoka]. XD)

Slacky-chan made her blog as well! Check out Spazz Central when you have the time! ^_^

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Forum Flooders,
10:45 AM


~ Finished!! ~

To be random: If any of you remembered reading about the Cloud Strife jigsaw I got in the mail, it's DONE!

With lots of help from my siblings, of course. The white background and black clothes gave us so much trouble because it looked so similar, and finally we cheated and used the back of the jigsaw for help (since it had printed alphabets to help us along).

I glued the back and am planning to find a suitable frame to stick it in and hang in my room. ^^ Isn't he adorable??

(Right now, he's sitting on my bedroom floor. XDD!)


Forum Flooders,
10:39 AM


12 June 2008
~ Blogdom on the mind! ~

Inspired by the ever enthusiastic and energetic Rain-chan, several forumers got down to making (and hopefully maintaining) their personal blogs.

And of course, the usual problems people run into when they make blogs: templates, meters, comments, feeds. ^^ (Which reminds me I have yet to make a feed for this blog.)

Out of all the forumers, roughly...5?...have made a blog.

Rain-chan's Kizuna-no-Care~

awin's razzatazz~

Daisy's Orange Juice~

Minty's Hoshi wo Mezashite~

(I know I said 5, but hey, it's roughly 5.) XDD

Hoping to read some regular posts from these blogs soon! ^^ Good luck with creating and tweaking your personal blogs!!

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Forum Flooders,
2:03 PM


10 June 2008
~ 0.3333............ ~

For North Californians who can sympathize - imagine getting 0.3333 on your GPA. Daisy's uncle apparently got 0.3333, and as a mark, even if I don't understand how GPA works for Californians, that sounds drastic indeed...

And while I fire up Limewire to look for songs, I asked the forumers for some of their favourite music.

Rain's advice:


Isn't she just so cute?? XD

And surprisingly enough (or maybe not) most of the suggestions were songs by Jboys, or Kboys. No English singers? ^^

But because my computer went haywire on me, I closed everything except Firefox. I really need to upgrade my RAM...

And a reminder and a nudge to forumers: Do go and write some drabbles/oneshots for the OTP challenge....

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Forum Flooders,
12:14 PM


08 June 2008
~ New member! (2) ~

Wow, we're streaming in some members every week. We seem to go through a long dry spell where there're no new faces, then out of the blue some fresh faces pop up.

Anyway, ezyl-chan (ezyl's girl) is the latest addition to the forum! Welcome to our wacky and insane forum~


Forum Flooders,
9:29 PM


~ New member! ~

We have a new member coming in today! Kura-chan (or SakuraIroKaze) is the newest member of the forum~ We hope she stays and become a regular member!

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu~


Forum Flooders,
3:54 PM


~ Minty-chan is baack! ~

We celebrate a lot of people coming back when they're absent for a long time.

Welcome 'home' to Minty-chan (Peppermint Kiss), who left the forum for quite some time but is now back and flooding! Yay~


Forum Flooders,
2:24 PM


~ Of...coitus and bananahammocks. ~

First of all, do not go and have a look or Google those words. They're not especially pretty.


I shouldn't have asked these overeager zealots to give me random words so I could improve my spelling.

Although they mean well...I suppose.


Forum Flooders,
1:07 PM


07 June 2008
~ Yuuki for Rain-chan ~

Really, I do believe I post about Rain the most.

She is currently hung up on Yuuki, a jdorama (is that right?) starring, predictably, Kazuya Kamenashi. Apparently, it's 'a drama about friendship that spans ages, this is based on a true story which chronicles the life of a man who died at the age of 23 after an illness that started with the partial collapse of his cranial bone, and a subsequent battle with seven types of incurable diseases.'

We were a bit confused about the seven diseases thing, but I think it was actually the fact that seven other people had the disease, not that the poor guy had been struck by seven diseases in one go. Ouch.

(What sort of person has that kind of luck anyway?!)

Rain-chan cried her eyes out, so it must be really touching. It's on my lists of 'to-watch'...along with trillions other anime/jdrama. XD

Some links: DramaWiki, the official Japanese site (in Japanese!)

(I blub a lot at tragedies. I just can't handle them well, although I love a good cry. *A*)


Forum Flooders,
2:26 PM


~ Chibi-chan is baaack! ~

For those of you who missed it (or will miss it) Chibi-chan has popped back into the forums for a quick visit thanks to Dudly!

Dudly is extremely happy that her 'little Sue' is around.

And because I just wanted to be random, here are some quotes I found hilarious.

Hmmm... Rage is my huggle friend. And the girl I've written a letter for, not posted yet (lack of stamps)

Daisy is the myspace friend... and the girl that has the same name as my mom. xDD

Casie is like, my Canadian buddy, my best MSN friend, my beta reader, and hm... kinda my penpal. But not really. xDDD

Chibi is my BFF. Or rather, one of them (Casie being the other *nodnod*) and she's like, MY little Mary Sue in denial. What's so great about her is that I can be protective. Like, no one touches her or I bite. xDD (It's not as if she talked to many people anyways)

Note: "No one touches her or I bite." XD

Then when we were glomping Chibi-chan...


*stares some more*

I'll be kind. You get a five minutes of glomping my little Sue. But no abusing.

Maybe it's just me being wonky, but Dudly and Chibi-chan are so cute~!

(Dudly really loves Chibi-chan.)

We all do. ♥


Forum Flooders,
12:57 PM


06 June 2008
~ Lovely anime goodies! ~

Oh oh oh! Guess what I got in the mail today from my dad??



It's a Cloud jigsaw puzzle that I'd asked him to buy!! *spazzes*

OK, on to some other lovely things I'd gotten...

See the Tezuka keychain? Isn't he cute?? (That's assuming you recognized it as Tezuka, lol.) Too bad there weren't any of the other Seigaku regulars (they only had Tezuka!! Pssft!) as I'd have bought Fuji's!

It's so cute and like him - I thought that it wasn't quite like Tezuka when I first saw it in the online magazine, but when I opened it here it looks just like him! Kawaii! (The bag even has 'Yonex' etched on it!)

And last but not least........

Some PoT and Tsubasa Chronicles keychains! I'm planning to send some of these to a friend...hehe...^^

(Sorry for my awkward picture positioning. I never was very spatial!)


Forum Flooders,
6:48 PM


05 June 2008
~ Newcomers! ~

We have two recent new additions to the forum - Jyra-chan (Jyra) and Rose-chan (Sanada'srose). Let's hope that these two become regular posters (and flooders!). XD



Forum Flooders,
7:58 PM


~ elsewhere is filled!! ~

Our fifth flooding thread, elsewhere, is completely and utterly full.

*celebration**confetti**ribbons**sparkles* ♪

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE FLOODERS WHO HUNG IN THERE AND DESPERATELY TRIED TO EDIT INSTEAD OF POSTING NEW POSTS (with the possible exception of Daisy, lol) and we now have a new flooding thread up, named thus by Daisy to be....

Sniff Here!

Come and flood with us!

Other forum news: Daisy posted a picture of a cake she had baked with lots of cream and some random grapes.

Chocolate~ FYI, I love chocolate. ♥


Forum Flooders,
4:00 PM


~ Rain's JE fangirling ~

Because this blog is focused more on the members than on what they discuss (or PoT) I have decided to post about everyone's unique loveliness. Who better to start with than Rain-chan? (Mainly because there is so much to talk about her. ^^)

If you remember, Rain-chan is the one who fangirls the most over JE boys and has the best corruptive skills in the forum. As Scorchin' (an infrequent visitor) recently said:

Some advice for surviving includes not clicking on Rain-chan's links without being prepared to be corrupted. She's really good at corrupting people. There are only one or two people around here who haven't been corrupted in any way. XD I'm not one of those people.

Because Rain gives out heaps of links in order to corrupt people into loving her JE boys. ^^

But some of the links are really very interesting. Just...keep an open mind, that's all.

Her main worship right now include Kame, Jin and Pi (well, the ones I know about, anyway) and maybe Yamapi? Wait, Pi is Yamapi! *shot* She managed to corrupt me into liking Kame (*A*) so...some of her links to Akame goodness...(By the way, Kame and Akame are two different things. Kame is a guy, and
Akame is a combination of Akanishi Jin and Kazuya Kamenashi...if memory serves me right again...)

Promise of a Lifetime

Someday for Somebody- Kame

Kizuna- KAT-TUN and Kanjani8 version

Kizuna- Kame

Care- Jin

Murasaki- Jin

Hesitate- Jin

Akame Duet

Akame - Bonnie Butterfly

A whole lot of Youtube videos for you to feast your eyes upon. ^^ I particularly like the Kizuna one, by Kame, and Promise of a Lifetime, seeing as I once did a challenge by Rain (and failed miserably, to boot) so...I'd say check these out. Rain has a whole lot more videos and fanfics if you find yourself drawn to Kame and Jin and JE boys in general, so leave a message in the tagbox if you want to chat!

(If the links aren't working or if something is horribly wrong then it is all my fault. ^^ Not Rain's!)

More links to JE love coming up...soon~ ♥


Forum Flooders,
1:09 PM


~ Niou rabbit! ~

A slightly random post of animal(s).

Daisy's rabbit, which she has affectionately named

Apparently, Niou is free to roam about the house although he doesn't go near the kitchen...XD

Who is currently running around my house (except for the living room. And kitchen. He doesn't like the kitchen very much) ripping up my brother's old homework and biting the walls. XD

I love her rabbit! *snatches*

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Forum Flooders,
11:02 AM


04 June 2008
~ Introductions! ~

First off, I shall introduce to you all regular members of the forum. (All names used are aliases.)

The one who created the forum in the first place, and therefore getting loads of love from the rest of us, is Dudly. She is one of the four moderators of the blog, and is considered the Queen in the forum.

The second moderator is awin-chan. She's cynical, blunt, but we all luff her anyway because she's just so adorable. (I can hear her going, "Oh my Hermes, rage-chan I don't know who you have been talking to.") She seems to like Greek mythology and uses very sophisticated sounding words. During our fantasy ranking, she chose the title of Court Mage for herself, although I'm not sure if that still stands.

The third moderator, who doesn't seem to be coming on very often nowadays (a bit sad) but hopefully she will come on soon, is Chibi-chan, who's full online persona is ChibisukeGirl. (We tend to shorten names, but I insert little annoying comments here and there to let you know. ^_^) I don't know Chibi-chan all that well, but I do hope she'll get on soon.

The fourth, and newest moderator, is Sweet Obsidian Rain, otherwise known as Rain or Rain-chan or Rain-chan-senpai (seeing as we have some 'kouhai' onboard aboard the forum). Rain-chan fangirls A LOT, and I'm not kidding when I say A LOT. I think she's trawled through Youtube at least ten times a day looking for pretty vids of JE boys (shall I name Kame and Jin and Pi for starters?). Do you love pretty Japanese boys as well? Go and look for her, then!

Right. The rest are non-mods, but equally important!

Gelly-chan (The Night Owl is Addicted), Vio-chan (violetglow), Melo-chan (finding) and I (reckless-rage) make up the
flooding team. Our aim is to flood (intelligently) and fill up as many flooding threads as possible. Usually, the flooding threads fill the fastest because we all converge on it and talk about everything, not just PoT or fics. Anything and everything goes, although if there's something that can fit in another thread, we'll try to bring it there. Although we don't always do so, the mods are pretty lenient.

(Most of the mods, I should add. awin-chan is pretty vicious. XD)

KA-san (KiriharaAkaya) comes by every so often, and seems to have a liking for Sal-chan (Salsal - her penname changes almost daily so there's no fixed penname for her other than Sal-chan), one of two kouhais on the forum. I hope she drops by soon!

And on that note, Sal-chan is an 11 year old and is (more or less) doted upon by the senpais of the forum. She shares the 'kouhai' title with Jazzy-chan (Hiyoshi-chan - her pennames changes too...) and they are both 11 year olds! However, they both have very unique personalities and we all luff them both! ^_^

Shin-chan (Shin-chan the Stalker) is currently obsessed with Eyeshield 21 and is exhorting people on the forum to watch it. She appears sporadically, but is generally fun to be around. (Her previous obsession was with Katekyo Hitman Reborn, and I think she still likes them.)

lizzie (gold.paperclips) and yes, it's spelled without the capital 'L' - we can be weird in some ways - used to frequent the forum quite a lot until studies and homework apparently kidnapped her in some unfathomable way. She does pop on once in a blue moon, though. Let's just hope the moon turns blue quite a few times this year.

Kyoka-san is a very sophisticated sounding person (I'm not kidding when I say sophisticated). Her thoughts are always well organized, she doesn't do crazy things, and is a model for all of us on the forum, whether we follow it or not. XD She's also one of the older people on the forum (the majority of us are roughly around 15-16 years old) because she's turned 17 this year. She shares a birthday with Hitler! But she's nothing like him. ^^

I'm not very well acquainted with Kitari Crystal yet (by 'well acquainted' I mean being able to huggle her) but I do think she's an all right sort of person - fun, bouncy and quite energetic too. ^^ I'm just sorry I haven't gotten to flood as much with her as I do with other forumers.

Angieko (Eternal.Angel) is one of the earliest group to post when Dudly first started the forum. She hasn't been on since I've joined, so I can't say much about her. She's younger than most, I think, although reviewing the ages of the forumers have made me rethink. 17 is practically quite old (Oh noes! I'm an old geezer!) but I guess Angieko is slightly...below average?

Reine (crassreine - God forbid we call her Reine-chan) is, I suspect, older than the rest of us (older than 17 anyway) because she speaks very maturely and is...well, call it a hunch of mine. She doesn't do spontaneous things (like glomp) but she possesses a very dry humour that I simply love. She likes her coffee black and unsugared, which is the complete opposite of me.

Slacky (Easily Forgotten) is my forum's huggle buddy along with Gelly-chan, simply because the two of them are huggle love. ^_^ Slacky's claimed the position of being the forum's number one procrastinator (ie not doing homework) but several others have claimed that too...XD Slacky's quote is - "I feel loved." =)

Daisy (absurd musings) is obsessed with nail polish and probably has every colour imaginable. She mixes pink, black, blue and every colour in between on her nails. ^_^ Daisy is a pretty fun and wacky person to be around, seriously. She fangirls over Korean boybands such as Dong Bang Shin Gi and Super Junior (if I haven't gotten my info mixed up).

CrystalKitten-Mew floods more frequently with Gelly than with me =( so therefore I can't say a lot about her. However, she comes from the same area as Gelly and they both share a lot in common...I think. XD

ZutaraFan403 (also known as Zuta-chan) pops by infrequently but is fun to be around. She loves Royal and Thrill pairings in PoT fandom!

There are others, and I will mention them throughout the blog should they post, but other than what I have now, I simply cannot type any more. *expires*

(Everyone who has posted in the forum is unique and special! Don't feel left out!!)


Forum Flooders,
10:39 AM


~ First milestone! ~

All right! It will take some time before I can start posting regularly here, and I still have things to add on to this blog. I originally wanted to install a Prince of Tennis styled template, but that was slightly out of the question as I couldn't find any quality PoT templates/skins, even on blogskins. But then my eye caught this cute Dango family template, and I figured, well, since our forum, Pointless but Original Talking, isn't ALL about PoT, I decided to snatch this template from blogskins and use it. Much thanks to reuyoaix for making and helping me to tweak this template slightly!

Forum Flooders,
10:27 AM



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